The first two days, as is often the case, were devoted to hands-on workshops. There were a number of GeoServer workshops this year:
- GeoServer Performance was our first workshop offering a chance to benchmark GeoServer and explore the impact environment, configuration, styling and data preparation have on performance. This was a fairly advanced workshop, assuming GeoServer knowledge so we could focus on getting the most out of GeoServer.
Being a full day workshop we were looking at a nine hour day! I would like to thank everyone who attended (especially for the questions). The workshop materials will be available online shortly. - Beyond GeoServer Basics was Tom Ingold's chance to shine with an intermediate workshop for those who have tried out GeoServer and want to take it to the next level.
- I also got to enjoy Andrea Aime's GeoServer for Beginners workshop (which went into a fair bit of detail on using the CSS Extension for styling maps).
There was one odd thing - the progression of GeoServer workshops went from advanced, to intermediate to a beginners workshop (making for a strange transition for people who attended them all). Still everyone had a great time, and I really liked seeing the students who brought along their own data, or those who were running off to benchmark their servers after the class.

Korean BBQ
Thanks to Alyssa for organizing a Korean BBQ on Tuesday night. It made for an excellent start to a social week.

FOSS4G 2015
The Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial was held in Seoul, Korea in 2015.
A quick thanks to my Boundless colleagues for making the workshop day a success and of course Boundless and the Open Source Community for giving us so much to celebrate.
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