
Wednesday 16 November 2011

Spatial at Gov

Spatial@Gov is the second conference I am taking part in this week.

Kudos to those who sent lunch packages around to those manning the booths (i.e. me). It was a really nice touch that I have not seen done at any other venue. Classy all around.

Please drop by the LISAsoft booth and say hi.

ESRI Australia Know your Place

Okay I always enjoy thanking sponsors; and ESRI Australia is a sponsor of Spatial@gov. They get extra points for providing free coffee (thanks!).

But I really must call them out on their banner this year:

Really? You sure you want to say that? In australia?

At many levels it is perfect; a dispassionate fellow stairs out over the head of the plebes passing by...

If you are at Spatial@Gov today; drop by the LISAsoft booth and say hi; we are friendly and inviting; and have an alternative scenario for you to consider.

Cameron has also been kind enough to arrange an OSGeo Aust-NZ breakfast meet up. Join the revolution - support OSGeo.

Open Source Developer Conference

I get a chance to compare two distinct conferences today. The first one is Open Source Developers Conference - which has been an amazing source of conversation ideas and energy. Organisation has been top notch with a real attention to details (the conferences passes include the program; so people avoid having to juggle bits of paper when checking where to go next).

LISAsoft is currently hiring; so I am supposed to be on the look out for new talent. I am afraid I am being distracted by all the fascinating and creative work.

Monday 14 November 2011

Sunday 6 November 2011

Arnulf Christl has circulated a great mock up of how OSGeo website will / should look with the OSGeo branding applied.

The original post invites people to comment of osgeo-discuss with feedback.
I welcome the opportunity for the OSGeo foundation to look consistent across conference booth, flyer handouts, presentations and website. Any other feedback I have can wait :-)

OSGeo Presentation Template

Returning to the OSGeo Templates through the years discussion here is an updated template for use with Apple Keynote:
Please consider using an OSGeo template for your next presentation promoting the foundation; every little bit helps when building a brand: Happy hacking