
Friday 4 August 2017

FOSS4G Europe 2017

Enjoyed attending FOSS4G Europe, great chance to catch up with the OSGeo board for a productive face to face meeting and appreciate the vibrant community in Europe first-hand.

Thanks to the organizers for a great event. I really appreciated the chance to promote open source and share the work being done for the new OSGeo website:

There were many thoughtful talks, Ivan providing wisdom on Love, to an exhubrent Jeff McKenna speaking on the foss4g family.

I had three highlights to share:

  • Catching up with Marc Vloemans and seeing the community enjoying the new branding that everyone has worked so hard on.
  • The code sprint where the enthusiasm was brought into action: with Nicolas Roelandt stepping in to help on content collection forms when I was getting overwhelmed, along with Astrid, Luca, Venka taking on review of the printed materials.
  • Having a chance to work through design decisions with Andrea and outline the relationship between JAI-EXT project and the Raster Processing Engine. 

Thanks to Boundless for giving me an opportunity attend and speak at this community event.